Tuesday, February 17, 2015

 Abe Lincoln

 more Abe Lincoln look a likes :)
 please send this signed back to school with your child.
They should have one in their folder.
 Thank you girls for the snacks.
Haven brought "mini muffins" and "milk"  for Mm
and Londyn brought cute cupcakes for her birthday!

 Haven's report was on Horses.  She looked like a real cowgirl :)
 Londyn's report was on her 4 wheeler and we got to see it!
 Shad told us all about his dog and it even did some tricks for us!
 Tucker loves tractors and he show us how some of his trucks work.
 Londyn's vary own 4 wheeler if you can see it under all the kids :)

All of you did such a great job on your reports today!
I love learning about all the things you love.

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