Monday, August 4, 2014

Hello everyone!  It's a new year and I'm excited to meet all my
new students!!  Our first day of school will be
Aug. 15th 9:15 to 11:30.
I will have a meet and great on Aug. 13th at 10:00. 
 Some of you have been to
many of these because I have taught several of your kids,
 so if you don't want to come on that day it is fine. 
 I will just put your child's folder with information in their drawer
 and you can pick it up on Thursday the 15th. 
On the 13th I will have an activity for the kids to do
while we go over some paper work and I will also
go over what I do in my classroom and answer any
questions any of you may have. We will only meet
for about 45 minutes.
If you have any questions before then feel free to call me:
Ms. Toni @ 669-5093

1 comment:

  1. We might not be able to make the orientation on the 13th for some reason I had it written down for the 14th, but Thursday is the 14th of August (not the 15th) that the first day of school?
