Tuesday, February 4, 2014

I'm so sorry my camera battery died on me today
so I didn't get any pictures :(
Dallin brought little cups of Ice cream for each of the kids!
Please don't forget to sign your permission slip for the
trip to the dentist!
Thursday my daughter Sheena will be teaching the class.
My brother in law passed away and I will be up north at
his funeral.  Thanks for your understanding.  I will see you all
on Tuesday Feb. 11th.
I forgot just one more thing:  Thurs. a nursery rhyme will
be sent home with your child.  Please sign it after they can
recite it to you and send it back.  They will get a new one every week.
I really need it to come back to school because we will
be putting them together in a little book that they can keep.

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