Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The kids were all great today!
We started with practicing writing our names.
We also talked about the letter Aa today.
Here is a list of when your child will do their REPORT!
Tues. 14th- Maya @ 10:20
                Connor @ 11:00
Thurs. 16th- Jenna @ 10:20
                     Dallin @ 11:00
Tues. 21- Londyn @ 10:20
Thurs. 23- Rockwell @ 10:20
        Ella @ 11:00
Tues. 28- Jayden @ 10:20
             Liam @ 11:00
Thurs. 30- Kayla @ 10:20
If for some reason this time does not work for you
just give me a call and we will change it.
when your child gives their report it only needs
to be about 10 min. and a parent will need
to help them on their day.  They are also welcome to bring a treat or
some kind of handout that goes along with what they are
giving their report on.  Thanks for all you do to help
your children.  If you have any questions please check with me.

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