Friday, November 29, 2013

Christmas Month!

For December we will be learning Christmas songs,
 reading Christmas books and learning Christmas poems,
along with a couple of crafts.
Our Christmas party/program will be on Thursday Dec. 19,
at 9:30- 11:00 and parents should come with their child!
The children will be drawing a name of one of the kids
in the class.  They will need to bring a wrapped present
each week for that same person.  On our party day the child's
name that they drew should have 3 presents from your child.
Please don't spend  more then 10.00 total.  If you get a change to go
to the dollar store, that is a great way to save money and
the children are just as happy.
Santa will also make a visit that day, so don't forget
to bring your camera!

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