Sunday, March 3, 2013

New calendar

We are going to hatch baby chicks this month.  It will take about 21 days
before they will hatch.  My cat is also having kittens and they are due around
the same time!  I think the kids will really enjoy this month with all the
new spring things that are happening!
After Spring Break we will start learning sight words and
the kids will start to read!!
Our Easter Hunt will be Thursday the 28th.
If the kids could each bring a bag of wrapped candy, it
will help to make our hunt really fun and plenty for all!
You can send the candy anytime this month as long as
I have it before the Thursday of our Easter Hunt.
AGAIN, I will need some parents to help that day.
Thank you for all the help you parents give, it really
helps me and the kid love you!!

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