Thursday, January 31, 2013

last of the REPORTS!

 Colin's report was on Skateboards.  He showed us pictures
and taught us about different parts of the skateboard, like the deck, wheels, trucks,
 bearings and griptape.  He also talked about some of the tricks!
 One of the things they like to eat is sushi so Colin's mom made 
all of us some "Candy" sushi.  The kids weren't sure if they wanted
it at first but once they tasted it, they all loved it!

Maya is our cowgirl and she taught us all about horses.
She said you can measure a horse by hands like: 16 hands tall.
she also said they eat hay, apples, grass, and carrots. She also taught
us about their teeth, tail and bones!
 She showed us all her pretty little horses! And her mom
made cute cowgirl hats and brought some carrots but I 
forgot to get the carrots out of the fridge, sorry!
 Mollie's report was great!  She told us all about water polo
and swimming.  She showed us a lot of things you need to wear 
to help you swim fast and she also taught us how to play water polo.
Mollie just swam in her very first swim meet and
got fourth place.  Way to go Mollie!
At the end of her report she gave all the kids their
very own medal!  And showed us a picture of Rebecca Soni
from the USA Team!

 Parents, All the children did such a great job on their reports!!  I hope they enjoyed it and had fun.
I will be getting a new calendar up this weekend.  I hope you all saw the note about the field trip.  Please
sign it and have your child bring it back to school on Tuesday.  I still need one more parent, let me know if you can help, thanks 

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