Thursday, December 13, 2012

Thursday Dec., 13

 Having fun making our own wrapping paper!
 I think Mollie brought Santa's cookies and milk for snack!

We have had a fun week!  I think we are all ready for our
Christmas party.  On Tuesday we will have our last practice and
wrap our parents presents!  
Wednesday, our party and program will be at 9:30.  Your child can just come 
with you at 9:30.  Please make sure you have brought 3 gifts
 for the person your child has.
Parents are invited to come and so are grandparents or neighbors.
please let me know if you have more then just parents so I can
have enough chairs set up.  Thank you.
Just so you know whats going on that day; we will
sing songs and recite poems to you. After that Santa will come
and see the boys and girls.  He will give each of them the gifts the
kids brought along with something form Ms. Toni
The kids will open their presents and have refreshments!
It should only last about 1 hour.

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