Thursday, September 26, 2013

Apples, apples, apples!

 Thank you Maya for the GREEN snack!
 Green show and tell!
 Don't you just love our Appleman?!
Today someone had gum and it ended up on Connors pants :(
Please make sure your child doesn't have gum when they come to school.  Thank You!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Green and #4

 Jayden brought a GREEN snack!!

We have 4 scoops of ice cream now!
Down, slide over and go straight through (repeat 3 times)
writing the number 4!
Don't forget to bring something green for show and tell. :)

Thursday, September 19, 2013

More Blue and What I like about me!

 Thanks for snack today Connor!
 BLUE show and tell :)
 We worked hard on cutting today... We will need more practice!
The kids told me what they liked best about themselves.
Most of them like their legs so they can RUN!  Some liked
their hair and some liked their smile :)

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

BLUE and #3

 BLUE spells blue, BLUE spells blue,
 HI HO did you know, BLUE spells blue
 The big sky is blue, the ocean is too.
 Hi Ho did you know, BLUE spells blue!
 Great snack Dallin, thanks!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

School Rules! and Yellow corn!

 Happy Birthday to YOU!
 Thanks Adysen for the fun yellow birthday snack!
 Yellow show and tell :)
 Yellow corn on the cob!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


 The early morning sun is yellow, daffodils and baby ducks are yellow,
lemonade and scrambled eggs are yellow.  I like the smiley face that's
yellow, he is such a happy fellow!
 We got to put a BIG marble up because we counted ten days
 Thanks for snack Liam!
 The kids are starting to play with each other now!
It's fun to watch them interact with each other :)

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Ready, Set, School!

 Ella brought a RED snack today!
 RED things that kids brought for show and tell :)
 We love Clifford!
We learned about different ways to get to school.
We also learned what to do to get ready for school and we
found a lot of school supplies around the classroom!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

RED and #1

 Thank you Jenna, for the RED snack!

We have a new student in our class.  Her name is Londyn.
So when it's your child's turn to bring snack remember
to send 11 now.  Thank you :)
We also learned the #1 today!
Start at the top and go straight down (repeat 3 times)
Writing the number 1.

Monday, September 2, 2013


Sorry about getting the calendar up so late!  It was a busy weekend
and I totally forgot!
Remember your Sept. tuition is due.  Thank You :)